Thursday, April 3, 2014

Who Would Do Such a Thing?

I overheard an exchange the other day that made my blood run cold.  Two members of the younger set were talking about an upcoming assignment that required a trip to the library, and one said to the other, "Why do we need a book?  I can it all from the internet."  Needless to say, I almost added my two cents but thought better of it.  Better to say nothing and appear brilliant, or something to that affect.

I love books. I love the heft and weight, the smell of paper and ink, the way I can immerse myself in the pages.  I know what you're thinking: Don't be so hypocritical, Dane!  After all, this blog is an offspring of the online world.  And there, as William Shakespeare would say, lies the rub.  Is it possible to hold hands with both print and e-book at the same time?  Yes.  And no.  And I don't know.  It's still unfamiliar territory for me, a field of land mines that might trip me up with a wrongly-placed step.  And yet...

When I've come to a conclusion, I'll let you know.  Until then, keep reading.

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