Sunday, February 23, 2014

What a Wonderful World

I remember getting my first library card. With it came the privilege of checking out books of my own choosing...and the chance to listen to the record collection that was housed behind the main desk.  I used that  invitation to listen to Johnny Cash, 'Oliver', sonatas, and jazz.  I became eclectic in my taste and loved the variety of life that a record player offered to me.  The very fact that I could choose became the impetus.

This is the same mindset I have whenever I begin a new book.  I am open to possibilities, and I know that sooner or later, the characters will demand a certain setting or plot, and I find that I am willing to compromise.  I know that the characters will grow and will demand a more fulfilling story line, and if  I refuse to look forward, we will all lose.  This is the way all life continues.  Without the ability to adapt, life as we know it will cease.

When constructing a plot, keep in mind that the characters may change within the assigned confines.  If this happens, be grateful: You are part of an ever evolving story.

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