Sunday, February 16, 2014

Who done it? I've no clue!

Seriously.  There are times my characters refine themselves under my nose - or pen, in this case.  Just when I think I have the antagonist nailed down, he (or she) surprises me.

Before you begin to think that I am in need of help, consider this:  Does everyone in your life act in a consistent manner?  Not in my experience they don't, and neither do my characters.  When you are a writer, you've got to expect the same thing from those in your story.  Of course, the writer is in control - it's not a mystic experience- but when a plot wants to go another way than what you originally planned, go with it!  The books we love the most are those whose characters remain dynamic and alive on the page.  When a character seems static, it is probably because the author started out with one idea and by gosh, it was going to remain that way.

My thought for today?  Be a dynamic character in your own story!

Keep reading.  And writing.

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