Friday, February 14, 2014

This is True Love

It's Valentine's Day, a day that is - to my mind - one of the most polarized.  You either love it (pun intended) or you hate it.  You either have fond memories of February 14th, or it's one of those days you wish would just go away.  Forever.

I bring this up because of writing.  Really.

It amazes me that most people have strong feelings about writing.  They either absolutely love it or they can't stand it.  (There is a small population that could care less, but that's another issue.)   Here's an interesting observation:  Because I am a writer, most folks assume that I adore the practice.  They are right, of course. And just as wrong.

Writing is an exercise that is more exhausting than a dead lift in the weight room.  It's also one of the most invigorating thing you can do.  When the words flow, when it all comes together and the plot makes sense and the characters develop as I imagined they would, I am on top of the world.  As you might imagine, life can be almost unbearable when nothing is clicking.  That's when writer's block feels terminal, and I'm convinced that nothing I write is worth reading to myself, much less good enough to share with the world.

Thank goodness that's a temporary state of mind.  The only cure is to keep writing.  Sooner or later, the words begin to mesh and the plot begins to move once more.  Love is that way as well.  Sometimes the only cure for a relationship stalemate is to keep loving.  Eventually it will kick-start itself.

Keep loving.  And keep writing.

Happy Valentine's Day.

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