Friday, February 28, 2014

Muffins with Mom, Doughnuts with Dad

When our children were younger and in kindergarten, my hubby and I got to participate in the time-honored tradition of having breakfast at school with them.  This was always held in the library - now renamed 'media center', which I tend to ignore - and involved the librarian reading to us as we ate.  I loved it - and the muffins, of course - and appreciated the school's efforts to make reading a family affair.

That was never an issue for us.  I took my children to get their first library cards as soon as they could read, and they in turn have done the same for their own children.  Stacks of books in the family room and in the bedrooms were the norm, and I loved the 'quiet time' we enjoyed when everyone was curled up in bed with a book.

This legacy of reading for pleasure has served me well in  many ways, from a career in education to writing my own books. I know that I am, in some way, helping to preserve the notion that reading really is fundamental and that readers do indeed make better writers.

Keep reading.

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